Use "judge not lest ye be judged|judge not lest ye be judge" in a sentence

1. When the hillbilly frowns... the redneck says, " Judge not, lest ye be judged. "

2. 11 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 

3. 2 aFor with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

4. 33 Not with arailing accusation, that ye be not overcome, neither with bboasting nor rejoicing, lest you be seized therewith.

5. Bourdna wi' Bawty lest he bite ye

6. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings…

7. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings

8. Judge not unrighteously.

9. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults

10. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:

11. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults

12. Bibia Be Ye Ye (everything will be alright) Bibia Be Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye

13. For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults: Read full chapter

14. King James Bible For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:

15. This, if ye judge fairly, is the thing that Behooveth you, and beseemeth your station

16. “But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

17. “But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

18. * Beware of pride, lest ye become as the Nephites, D&C 38:39.

19. " I'll be judge, I'll be jury, "

20. Judge Lyttle, politic in the ways a judge can be, treats reporters well.

21. Ye are Bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men

22. But if ye be without chastisement are partakersare ye bastards, and not sons.

23. 2 Corinthians 12:20 View whole chapter See verse in context For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbiting s

24. Judge not according to the appearance. 

25. I judge him to be loyal.

26. Do not judge her work too subjectively.

27. A good judge must be incorruptible.

28. Back in 1970, a judge told the court that I could not be reformed.

29. A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.

30. It used to be culturally acceptable to burn witches, but not every judge obliged.

31. 2 Corinthians 12:20 - For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and [that] I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest [there be] debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults: Topics and verses are auto-generated from user searches.

32. Judge them by their integrity, not their drinking.

33. But they did not judge her lover harshly.

34. 2 Corinthians 12:20-21 For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, Backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults: And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which

35. I hope the judge will be lenient.

36. 8 Judge not according to the appearance. 

37. 12 Judge not a book by its cover. 

38. Lest suspicions be aroused.

39. Do not judge by the small number that responded.

40. To judge from the High Court jury, not much.

41. 22 Sarah's not a very good judge of character.

42. And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.

43. The judge was too honest to be bribed.

44. The judge warned the witness not to perjure herself.

45. Don't judge by appearances appearances can be misleading.

46. Therefore, we need to be careful not to judge ourselves or others harshly in these matters.

47. It would be presumptuous to judge what the outcome will be.

48. Would we not judge them from our own biased viewpoint?

49. 10 The judge said the document was not legally binding.

50. Bibia Be Ye Ye tab by Ed Sheeran

51. 2 The judge said the document was not legally binding.

52. 16 This King will also be a perfect Judge.

53. The inquiry will be supervised by a senior judge.

54. No one can be at once suitor and judge.

55. 24 Only you can be the judge of that.

56. A judge must be a person of unquestioned probity.

57. I didn't want to judge him with the same cruelty that he judged me.

58. Understand , ye brutish among the people: and ye fools , when will ye be wise?

59. The judge accepted the defendant's undertaking not to harass the plaintiff.

60. 3 Judge not of men and things at first sight. 

61. • The judge ruled that Newman's comments were not an Actionable offense

62. It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.

63. 9 Judge not of men and thing at first sight. 

64. 28 'I'm not sure that's a good way to do it.' 'Let me be the judge of that.'

65. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask Amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures

66. The Judge Dredd.

67. With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath. "

68. What evidence is there that Jesus would also be Judge?

69. 4 An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion.

70. “... Why did the Savior command that we not judge final judgments?

71. You deliberately disobeyed this judge and the Governor, did you not?

72. The judge ruled that Newman's comments were not an actionable offense.

73. 14 And the Spirit shall be given unto you aby the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the bSpirit ye shall not teach.

74. 22 An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion.

75. A good leader must be an astute judge of ability.

76. E: No one can be at once suitor and judge!

77. Glenartney, committed upon ye day of last Bypast, be certain of ye said clan, be ye council and determination of ye haill, avow and to defend ye authors yrof qoever wald persew for revenge of ye same, qll ye said Jo

78. (KJV ASV WBS) Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant of this mystery, lest ye be wise in your own conceits, that a hardening in part hath Befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come

79. The prisoner Besought the judge for mercy / to be merciful

80. 2Co 2:7 - So that Contrariwise G5121 ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow